
Night is falling from above
I’m waiting for the one I love, Zoe

I sing her name inside my chest,
The name the puts (an end to death?), Zoe

Touched by the evening breeze the trees knot and sway
One by one the stars come out to play
And it seems I can hear them say “she’s on her way”

We are all just tiny beings in the greater scheme of things, Zoe
But she makes me feel I’m worth more than the greatest thing on earth, Zoe

Every night I die under her loving touch
Every day we drink the loving cup
She makes all the loveless stuff come rising up

And all I have is all I want when I’m with Zoe

Every night I die under her loving touch
Every day we drink the loving cup
She makes all the loveless stuff come rising up, Zoe, Zoe, Zoe