The Gift That Keeps On Giving (The Song Of Sharon)

The gift that keeps on giving
Has come into my house
Like a wild deer at my doorway
He was suddenly so close
My beams are made of cedar wood
My rafters made of fir
My garden holds a fountain, honeycomb and myrrh

I went along the broad ways
Searching for my love
I asked among the watchmen
‘Have you seen my love?’
Oh, promise not to wake him, sisters
Let him sleep his time
He comforts me with apples and succours me with wine

Holy night! Blessed daylight!
You are my true delight

I sought whom my soul loveth
I sought him on my bed
His right hand doth embrace me
His left under my head
He brought me to the banquet house
And when I looked above
Then I saw his banner over me was love