Thank You

We’ve been traveling for a while now
On a turning twisting road
I know I haven’t always
Carried my fair share of the load
You’ve kept me strong and steady, baby
Always by my side
Every time I’ve lost my way
You’ve been my beacon and my guide
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for lighting up the dark
Thank you for loving me completely
And showing me my heart

I know I’m melancholy, baby
And I change from day to day
Sometimes I get so excited
And much too carried away
Sometimes I feel so mean and ugly
I want to hurt what’s close to me
The cruel things I’ve said and done
You never took them personally
Thank you for loving me
For teaching me like nobody else
Thank you for loving me so totally
And giving me yourself

To everything a season
I thank my lucky stars each day
To be loved for no good reason
And our love is here to stay!
Thank you for loving me
For touching me like nobody else
Thank you for loving me unconditionally
And showing me my better self