Shalom Aleichem

Words: traditional
Music by Israel Goldfarb (Control)
Arranged by Alice Keath, Paul Kelly and Lior

Shalom aleichem malachei hashareit malachei elyon
Mi melech malachei hamalachim hakadosh baruch hu
Boachem leshalom malachei hashalom malachei elyon
Mi melech malachei hamalachim hakadosh baruch hu

Barchuni leshalom malachei hashalom malachei elyon
Mi melech malahei hamelachim hakadosh baruch hu
Tseitchem leshalom malahei hashalom malachei elyon
Mi melech malachei hamelachim hakadosh baruch hu

(English translation)

Peace be unto you, ye ministering angels,
Angels of the most High,
Ye that come from the Supreme King of Kings,
The Holy One, Blessed be He.
May your coming be in peace ye ministering angels,
Angels of the most High,
Ye that come from the Supreme King of Kings,
The Holy One, Blessed be He.
Bless me be Peace, ye ministering angels,
Angels of the most High,
Ye that come from the Supreme King of Kings,
The Holy One, Blessed be He.
May your departure be to Peace, ye ministering angels,
Angels of the most High,
Ye that come from the Supreme King of Kings,
The Holy One, Blessed be He.