Perfect World

Written with Michael Thomas

In a perfect world
I’d wake up with a clear head
You beside me in the bed
I’d rise up from my dreaming
To bless the brand new day
You would still be sleeping
I’d sneak out to the kitchen
To make some toast and coffee
Bring it to you on a tray
In a perfect world

In a perfect world
You’d rub your eyes and wake up
Smile at me and take the cup
Blow the steam off from the top
Take a sip and put it down
You’d shift your body in the bed
Put your arms around my head
And say the things that no one says
When others are around
In a perfect world

Last night I was drinking late
With someone who called me mate
He was paying so I stayed
Right up to closing time
I don’t remember much at all
‘Cept pissing up against a wall
And throwing up inside the hall
As soon as I got home
Such a perfect world