Northern Rivers

She was born by northern rivers
Where the land breathes fire and flood
She can tell the coming weather
In her bones, her body and her blood
I was born here, on a southern bay
Concerning me, there isn’t much to say

She grew up on northern rivers
Coloured birds sang her out of bed each day
She made friends with wild creatures
They filled her dreams, her study and her play
She is wild too, hard to keep in view
The more I know her the less I do

She came down from northern rivers
And made her home here on a southern bay
The winter winds here make her shiver
But she discovers wonders every day
She’s God’s own wonder, I’m telling you
The more I know her the less I do

Now the birds here have had their season
They’re all fed up and getting ready to fly
She will always have a reason
To take her leave in the good old by and by
Whatever she does, to herself she’s true
The more I know her the less I do

I was born here, on a southern bay
There ain’t much more now that I need to say