My Man’s Got A Cold

Sung by Vika Bull

My man’s got a cold
Oh, such a cold
Could be the worst ever cold
In the history of the world
And I’ve got a front seat row
To the whole sorry show
My man’s got a cold
Everybody’s been told
Oh, he’s so completely woebegone
He don’t want to get it on
My man’s got a cold, mmmm…

My man’s got a bug
It’s a nasty little bug
And he’s taken every drug
But they just won’t kill that bug
Now he’s worried it might get worse
He’s thinking about the hearse
My man’s got a bug
And it’s got him in such a fug
Oh, is there nothing a body can do
Up against the man flu?
My man’s got a cold, mmmm…

My man’s got a cough
It’s a stubborn kind of cough
He just can’t shake it off
It’s raspy and it’s rough
He’s off his wine and bread
He even said no to head!
My man’s got it bad
Like nobody else has ever had
Well, if he don’t come ‘round soon
I just might have to put him down soon!
My man’s got a cold, mmmm…

Peter Luscombe – Drums and percussion
Bill McDonald – Bass guitar
Ashley Naylor – Electric guitar
Cameron Bruce – Piano
Paul Kelly – Electric guitar
Vika Bull – Vocal
Linda Bull – Harmony vocal