Last Night I Lay Dreaming

Last night I lay dreaming of you lying by my side
Your hair on my shoulder, our limbs all entwined
The gentle rising of your breast, the swell and dying fall
The night so deep and dark and pouring good on all
I wish that I could sleep and never wake again
For my love has gone forever far from pain

Last night I lay dreaming you were calling out your love
Telling me and all the world and God above
From the dream I woke up only holding on to air
The crying of the wind was all that I could hear
Oh that I could sleep and never wake again
And join my love who’s gone from sorrow and from pain

Oh come, my love, tonight and rise up from the cold, cold clay
Dress your bones in flesh that never melts away
Softly creep into my bed and wake me with your breath
And together we will love and laugh at death
When the morning comes I know that you’ll be gone
And when the moon is riding high you’ll come again