I Had Too Much Loving Last Night

Got to work at the usual time
A little out of breath and my hair was flying
I rode in the elevator sixteen floors
Crowded and surrounded by the usual bores
My eyes were red and my circles were black
I could hear them buzzing all around my back
I didn’t mind I was buzzing inside
I had too much loving last night

Work piled up like digging a grave
The morning went by in a kind of haze
I stopped for a coffee around half past ten
And I didn’t look up ’til a quarter to one
I couldn’t stop thinking about the fun we’d had
I felt so good and I felt so bad
Lunchtime came, I couldn’t eat a bite
I had too much loving last night

First he teased me
Then he squeezed me
How he pleased me!
I had too much loving last night

Round four o’clock I was starting to fade
My boss looked like the Marquis de Sade
I thought about It for the ninety-ninth time
That got me through ’til closing time
Now I’m riding on the evening train
Feels like my body is one big brain
Hair still messed, I ain’t talking right
I had too much loving last night