Harpoon To The Heart

With a harpoon to the heart
You have snagged me
With a harpoon to the heart
You’re on my tail
And there’s nothing I can do
To ever shake loose from you
And you don’t even know you’re Ahab in this tale

Everywhere I turn
You’re never that far distant
Every now and then
I think I’m clean away
But then you reappear and no matter how hard I steer
I know I’m gonna have to fight another long night and day

On this wide, open sea
I can never ever be free
There’s a shadow always creeping up behind
Like a harpoon to the heart
You’re stuck inside me
Though I know this battle’s furthest from your mind

Like a hound dog on the scent
Your ghost’s relentless
Like a hound dog with the scent
You’re on my trail
And there’s nowhere I can hide
‘Coz you never seem to break your stride
Oh, you got me running up hill and down dale

All across this country
I can never ever be free
Every day I hear the baying from behind
Like a hellhound with the scent
Your ghost’s relentless
Though I know your love is only in my mind

On this wide, open sea
I can never ever be free
There’s a shadow always creeping up behind
Like a harpoon to the heart
You’re stuck inside me
Though I know your love is only in my mind
Oh, my love for you has caught me in this bind