Cool Hand Lukin

Written with Paul Hewson

I saw Dean Lukin on TV
I was drinking beer just around three
Martinez had him on the snatch
Lukin knew he had twelve and a half to catch
lronbar from Nigeria – his leg went funny
He was out of the money

Now Cool Hand Lukin was doing some thinking
Everyone in the stadium thought he was sinking
The man called Manfred from West Germany
Fell on his back – he was history
But Cool Hand Lukin just kept coming
You can’t stop Lukin when he’s smoking

Well he picked it up and made a mighty sound
Then he pushed it up and held it up
Then threw it on the ground
You can’t stop Lukin when he’s smoking

Back in Port Lincoln they were holding their breath
Martinez and Lukin – the only ones left
At the clean and jerk he made a two-forty push
Took the gold and said ‘I’m going home to fish’
And Martinez – he’d thought the medal was his
But you can’t stop Lukin when he’s smoking

Well he picked it up and made a mighty sound
Then he pumped it up and held it up
Then threw it on the ground
You can’t stop Lukin when he’s smoking